Around the Blog

Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year, New Blog [Re-Blog]

Re-blogging this from Julie Reulbach on the ExploreMTBoS site! I'm excited to participate and encourage anyone who has thought about blogging to jump in for 2017! It will totally change your teaching! 

Welcome to the Explore the MTBoS 2017 Blogging Initiative!

With the start of a new year, there is no better time to start a new blog!  For those of you who have blogs, it is also the perfect time to get inspired to write again!
Please join us to participate in this years blogging initiative!  To join, all you need to do is write just one post a week for the next four weeks.  To make it easier for you, we will post a new prompt every Sunday!  Once you have blogged, please fill out the form below.  Each week, your blogs will be posted on this site for all to enjoy!
This Week’s Theme:  My Favorites
This week, the blogging theme will be “My Favorites”, where you can post about one (or many) of your favorite things!  Called a “My Favorite,” it can be something that makes teaching a specific math topic work really well.  It does not have to be a lesson, but can be anything in teaching that you love!  It can also be something that you have blogged or tweeted about before.  Some ideas of favorites that have been shared are:
  • A lesson (or part of one) that went great
  • A game your students love to play
  • A fun and/or effective way to practice facts
  • A website or app you love to use in class
  • An organizational trick or tip that has been life changing
  • A product that you use in your classroom that you can’t live without!
Blog Newbies!
If you are brand new to blogging, you can read Starting A Blog from the 2015 initiative.  This post will give you specific instructions on how to start a blog.
Hot Tip!  Don’t stress about your blog name!
The hardest part about blogging is often coming up with a title.  Do not let this detail derail you!  A great suggestion is to make your blog address your name.  Then, you can title your blog later – or change the title anytime you want!  To see what this looks like, check out Sam Shah’s blog.  His web address is, but the site name is “Continuous Everywhere But Differentiable Nowhere“.  No one cares about your blog name, they just want to read interesting, inspiring, and helpful posts!
Hashtag it!  #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion 
Don’t forget to tweet out your blog link and add hashtags so other teachers in the MTBoS community can easily find your post!  If you are not tweeting yet, you should be!  There is an amazing community of math educators there just waiting to inspire and support you!  Check out How To Start a Twitter Account to get started!  Also, if you are brand new to Twitter or just want to get more out of it, there are more Twitter tips on Julie Reulbach’s blogpost, Tweet, Connect, Repeat.
This year, we are joining up with the #mtbosblogsplosion.  Special thanks to  Carl Oliver@carloliwitter, for jump starting blogging for many people in our community!
Hashtags to add to your tweets:  #MTBoS #MtbosBlogsplosion
Also, if you have a wordpress blog, please re-blog this post to get the word out!
Deadline: Press submit by the end of the day Saturday, January 7, 2017.
Yes, this is a quick turn around this week – but we don’t want you to put it off or delay!  Once you are finished with your blog post, fill out this form and your blog post will be featured on this site [meaning the MTBoS site this is reblogged from] next week!

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