Around the Blog

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blended Learning: Lessons Learned

One of my biggest regret after moving districts this year was that I never sat down and put all the lessons I'd learned as a blended learning teacher together in one place. Luckily for me, at the end of last year I got to sit down with the people at Opportunity Culture, the group that had been instrumental in helping my district move towards blended learning. They put together this vignette summarizing my experiences and my best advice to new blended learning teachers. 

Pioneering Blended-Learning Teachers Reach More Students Vignette Series
A vignette written about my experiences with blended learning in Pre-Calculus. If you want my lessons learned (often the hard way), read this! 

I'm so thankful to have had this experience and to have had it documented! 

Hey! I said that! 

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