Around the Blog

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Back At It

THREE YEARS AGO: I was a 2nd year teacher at a private middle school in a very affluent area. I lived in a new city 2 hours from my now husband and 12 hours from all my family and friends, was the youngest person on my staff by at least 30 years, and had a whole lot of free time....which I filled with school work! That's where this blog was born and, for a while, actually thrived. I was working 90-100 hours a week and it generally wasn't a very balanced life. Something had to give (Spoiler: it was the blogging!).

TODAY: I'm starting my 5th year of teaching and my 3rd year at the school I moved to when I decided to finally be near my aforementioned husband. I fill my days with much more balance- teaching in a STEM magnet program, piloting a blended learning class for our district, tackling AP Calculus for the first time, satisfying my dog's desire for an infinite quantity of adventures, and enjoying being in my late 20's with an amazing husband and group of supportive coworkers and friends.


After a 3 year hiatus, I'm working on getting back into blogging. I am excited to build my PLN and share ideas with a supportive community worldwide who share the same passion that I do- designing activities and curriculum to make math exciting and engaging for our students. 

Consider this post a bridge between these 2 phases of life....
  • Post before this (some of which have been deleted....because gosh I was bright-eyed and overly excited about every moment of my day) are the thoughts of a young, excited teacher who has lots of autonomy, no standardized tests, and is still learning exactly what good teaching looks like to her.
  • Post after this are the reflections of a (slightly) more seasoned teacher who believes that the students should be in the driver's seat in their own education, that experimentation and failure are a good thing, and that I still have a ton to learn! 
Let's get mathy, y'all! 

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